Transpower & HiSpec stock & distribute an extensive range of both Vee & Timing Pulleys. Cast Iron vee pulleys covering SPZ & M section belts through to SPC, C & D section belts are all held in stock at each location in single groove through to 12 groove. Pulleys held in stock are available in both taperlock & pilot bore, as per our sprocket stock, we can fully customise any pulley to suit your requirements.

We also hold a comprehensive range of toothed, timing pulleys in stock. Round tooth HTD pulleys as well as the imperial square tooth XL, L & H sections are held, with T5 & T10 metric pulleys also available. These pulleys are available in cast iron as well as aluminium, pilot bore or taperlock & can be fully customised to suit your requirements. Custom pulleys can be manufactured from your drawing or through mutual design to suit your drive and application.